The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

The Mace of Sauron is a powerful weapon wielded by the Dark Lord Sauron. The mace is similar, and can even be seen as a counterpart to the Staff of Gandalf the White.

This weapon can be used in melee combat for 8 ( 8 ) attack damage, and since it's a hammer-type weapon, its base damage is 5 ( 5 ), making it a pretty weak melee weapon.

The mace may also be used for ranged combat against "good" NPCs, such as Hobbits, Ents, Gondor soldiers, High Elves, and even Dunlendings. This means that it will cause no damage to NPCs such as Orcs, Wargs, Trolls, Mirkwood spiders, Mordor spiders, and Southrons. All animals can be harmed by this attack (horses, rabbits, birds, etc.). To activate this ranged attack, hold the weapon in your hand and hold right click for 3 seconds. The attack is executed as a ring of dark smoke spreads out from around you, hurting all possible NPCs in your vicinity.

The mace was used by Sauron until his removal; the mace stayed in the mod.


The Mace of Sauron in use.

Melee: AxeTauredain AxesBattleaxeDwarven BattleaxesDaggerOrc DaggersHammerGondor Hammers
MaceHalfTroll MacesBlue Dwarven Mattock MattocksOrcSkullStaff16 Orc Skull StaffsRollingPin Rolling PinsSwordDolAmroth Swords
Polearms: PolearmElven BattlestavesPoleaxeNearHarad HalberdsLanceRohan LancesLongspearWoodElven Longspears
PikeDwarven PikesSpearAngmar SpearsDunlendingTrident TridentsPolearmOrc Warscythes
Ranged: TauredainBlowgun BlowgunsBlackUrukBow BowsCrossbowUruk CrossbowsSling Slings
Throwing: Conker ConkersFire-pot Fire-potsPlateItem PlatesSpearAngmar SpearsTermite TermitesThrowingAxeBlueDwarven Throwing Axes
Miscellaneous: BalrogWhip Balrog WhipsKhamulsFireBlock Khamûl's FireSauronMace Mace of Sauron
OrcBomb Orc BombsGandalfStaffWhite Staff of Gandalf the White
