The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Mallorn equipment is crafted using Mallorn wood planks and Mallorn sticks (made from the raw wood of Mallorn trees in Lothlórien). All items must be crafted at an Galadhrim crafting table or bought from an Galadhrim wanderer.

The equipment is significantly better than standard wood and stone equipment, although not as durable as iron and bronze.

All items are crafted on the Galadhrim crafting table using Mallorn planks and sticks.

Mallorn sword[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback
6.5 ( 6) 100% 100% Normal

A basic melee weapon that was used by the Galadhrim Elves prior to Public Beta 26. It features a regular attack speed and reach. As of Public Beta 26, these Elves use a Galadhrim dagger.

Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Sword

Mallorn bow[]

Draw Time (ticks) Ranged Damage Range
20 6-11 ( 6  to  11  11 ) 115%

The same bow used by Legolas in the Lord of the Rings, the Mallorn bow is also used by Galadhrim Elves and Galadhrim wardens. As of Public Beta 25, however, it's widely considered to be the weakest bow in the mod, with no damage bonus and a slight range bonus when compared to a vanilla bow.

Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Bow

Mallorn shovel[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback
3.5 ( 3) 100% 100% Normal

The Mallorn shovel is a wooden shovel that, like all shovels, is really better at digging dirt than whacking foes. It deals very low damage against enemies, and should only be used as a melee weapon in an emergency.

Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Shovel

Mallorn pickaxe[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback
4.5 ( 4) 100% 100% Normal

The Mallorn pickaxe is capable of mining most ores, but not gold, silver, or Mithril. Like the shovel, it's much better at mining than fighting.

Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Pickaxe

Mallorn axe[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback
5.5 ( 5) 100% 100% Normal

As an axe, the Mallorn axe makes chopping up wood-related blocks a lot faster. It can also serve as a backup weapon, doing the same amount of damage as many of the mod's spears.

Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Axe

Mallorn hoe[]

The mallorn hoe is used for turning grass or dirt into farmland. It is utterly useless as a weapon, giving no damage bonus whatsoever.

Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Wood Planks
Mallorn Hoe
Galadhrim Shield  The Wood-elves of Lothlórien  Galadhrim Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warden, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Galvorn, Horse) • Bow (Mallorn) • CloakEdhelmirEquipment (Mallorn)
Hithlain (Ladder, Rope) • LembasMallorn LadderMallorn Torch
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableElvengrassForgeMallorn Box
Structures: SmithyTreehouse

AxeElven Equipment Sets in Middle-earth PickaxeDolGuldur

SwordArnorian ArnorianBattleaxeBlueDwarven Blue DwarvenPikeDale DalishSwordDolAmroth Dol AmrothSpearBladorthin Dorwinion ElvenMattockDwarven Dwarven
LongspearElven GaladhrimHammerGondor GondorianSwordHighElven LindonBattleaxeLossarnach LossarnachAxeMallorn Mallorn
TridentPelargir PelargirSwordRivendell RivendellLanceRohan RohirricHammerTauredain TaurethrimPolearmWoodElven Wood-elven

DaggerAngmar AngmarMaceBlackNumenorean Black NúmenóreanBattleaxeBlackUruk Black UrukCorsair Harpoon CorsairBattleaxeDolGuldur Dol Guldur
DunlendingClub DunlendingGulfen Khopesh GulfenHammerGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukBattleaxeHalfTroll Half-trollHaradric Pike Haradric
ScimitarOrc MordorMorwaith Spear MorwaithRhûnic Sword RhûnicScimitarNearHarad UmbaricScimitarUrukBerserker UrukBattleaxeUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

Ancient Sword AncientSwordBronze Bronze • Gold • Iron • HalberdMithril Mithril
