The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

We are the fighting Uruk-hai! We slew the great warrior. We took the prisoners. We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man’s-flesh to eat...

–Uglúk in The Two Towers, The Uruk-hai

Man-flesh is a food item that can be acquired through slaughtering Men, a favourite foodstuff for Orcs.


Slaying Men of any kind with Orcish weapons will provide man-flesh as a dropped item, with a success rate of 0-2 per kill. It can also be purchased from Half-troll Scavengers.


Man-flesh, first and foremost, is a foodstuff, which can be eaten by players with positive alignment with one or more Orc factions. Upon being eaten, it regenerates six  6  hunger points and provides decent saturation, comparable to that of cooked zebra and salted meat. Non-Orcish players that eat man-flesh will get the hunger effect for thirty seconds instead, and no hunger points will be restored.

Another way to put man-flesh to use is to cook it in an Orc Forge, which will turn it into rotten flesh. This makes it a far less efficient food source, mostly inedible by both good and evil players, but it can be used to make a profit in trade with the right conditions. By subsequently salting rotten flesh, however, one can produces suspicious meat, a food item has the same nutritional value as man-flesh. This is a useful tactic for non-Orc players or players trading with non-Orc players, as suspicious meat can be eaten safely regardless of one's alignment.

heat needed
Orc Forge
Rotten Flesh
Rotten Flesh
Rotten Flesh
Rotten Flesh
any kind of fuel


Man-flesh can be sold to orcish traders from Angmar, Dol Guldur, Mordor and Isengard for some coin. These traders will offer you 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) coins per piece of flesh.

When cooked, man-flesh becomes rotten flesh, which can be sold to half-troll scavengers and oddment collectors.

It can be bought from half-troll scavengers, who will charge you 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) coins per piece. In some cases you may even find their merchandise is still fresh and warm.

Food of Middle-earth