The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

The Middle-earth World Type is a world type (similar to superflat, large biomes etc. present in vanilla) available as an option when creating a new world. Worlds created with this setting will spawn the player directly into Middle-earth, without the need for a Ring Portal. It was added in Public Beta 25.

A Middle-earth world type does not generate a Ring Portal at the spawn in the Shire. However, one may still enter the vanilla dimensions through other constructible portals such as Elven Portals and Morgul Portals, though this world type is mostly intended for people wishing to play only in Middle-earth, and not the vanilla Minecraft world.


Creating a singleplayer world with the Middle-earth world type.


In singleplayer:

  • When creating a world, go into the 'More World Options' screen.
  • Cycle through the 'World Type: Default' button until it displays 'World Type: Middle-earth'.

In multiplayer:

* Open the '' file in the server folder in a text editor program.

  • There will be a line that starts with 'level-type'. Edit this line to 'level-type=middleearth'. (Note that 'middleearth' is not case-sensitive.)
  • Make sure that you have 'allow-nether' set to 'allow-nether=true'.
  • Save the file.
  • Remove any existing 'world' subdirectory in the server folder, as it could contain spawn terrain generated for the Overworld.
  • Start the server.

* Open the '' file in the server folder in a text editor program.

  • There will be a line that starts with 'level-type'. Edit this line to 'level-type=lotr:me'.
  • Make sure that you have 'allow-nether' set to 'allow-nether=true'.
  • Save the file.
  • Remove any existing 'world' subdirectory in the server folder, as it could contain spawn terrain generated for the Overworld.
  • Start the server.

  • Note that in the renewed version of the mod, a message is displayed when creating a world for the first time (shown below) to explain how to enter Middle-earth using either the portal or world type.


    The help screen displayed when creating your first world.

    Middle-earth Classic[]


    Creating a singleplayer world with the Middle-earth classic world type.

    If you want a more "historic" feeling, you might want to choose this world type. This is how the world was generated before Public Beta 13 of February 1st 2014, which marked the one year anniversary of the Mod.

    In this world type (and in the aforementioned earlier versions of the mod) Middle-earth biomes are not generated according to the map but instead are randomly distributed, like in vanilla Minecraft. With this world type, buildings, biomes, factions, alignment, etc. will all still be present, although features such as Roads, Conquest, Utumno and fast travel will not due to the lack of a map.

    To use this world type for a multiplayer server, follow the instructions for the Middle-earth world type above but use the 'level-type=meclassic' or if playing on renewed, use 'level-type=lotr:me_classic'.

    If you want an even more "historic" feeling, use the links at the end of each update's section on the updates page to download an older version of the mod.


    The Middle-earth world type was added in the Public Beta 25 update and the classic variant in Public Beta 29. Both types were ported to the renewed version in Renewed Snapshot 2.0.
