The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki


Middle Earth: Minecraft Edition[]

Middle earth Minecraft edition is small but unique server we are using the map created by PakPacman (full credits go to him) and a few other mods to enhance the experince of our players. We are constantly open and listening to suggestions from our community of ways to improve our server and create an enjoyable experince in the world of Lord of the Rings mod created by Mevans.

We host small events that the community can take part in these events are usally held just before an update to the modpack, or the server itslef as a way to give a sense of achivment and lore to the world we are building.

We are here for fun meaning we do not require constant activity as we know what its like to be busy the main point of the server was set up for me and my friends to unwind on after work. However rather quickly we have grown to a small but amazing community.
