Mordor equipment includes the weapons and tools used by the Orcs of Mordor. It is also scavenged and used by the Orcs of Gundabad at times. It is slightly stronger and more durable than iron. It is only craftable on a Morgul crafting table, with sticks and Orc Steel Ingots (and string for the bow).
Crafting Recipes[]
Mordor Dagger[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
4.5 () | 150% | 75% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
A rather weak melee weapon, dealing less damage per hit than a sword, but fast. Can be poisoned on a normal crafting table to make it more powerful.
Mordor Scimitar[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
7.5 () | 100% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
There really isn't anything glamourous about this weapon, but it does do decent damage, and has regular reach and attack speed. Many Mordor Orcs use this weapon.
Mordor Spear[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
6.5 () | 83% | 150% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
While the Mordor spear deals less damage than a scimitar, it can be thrown to deal a lot of damage, which cannot be said for the scimitar. It also has greater reach than a scimitar. Some Orcs will throw this weapon at you if you get too close, so be careful!
Mordor Battleaxe[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
9.5 () | 75% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, wraithbane, handy, hasty, masterful, nimble, silken, and sluggish |
If you want to turn more of Ithilien into wasteland, here's the weapon for you. It's equally good at dealing with trees and Rangers of Ithilien. Don't forget to bring along some Orc Firebombs to finish the job!
Mordor Warhammer[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
9.5 () | 65% | 100% | +1 | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
The strongest weapon in the Mordor set, measured by attack damage, with an impressive knockback. Be aware that its swing speed is pretty slow, though.
Mordor Warscythe[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
7.5 () | 68% | 150% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
The Warscythe is a powerful melee weapon, with the reach of a spear, but significantly greater attack damage. It's very useful when you're charging into battle on your Warg, but takes slightly longer to swing than a sword.
Orc Bow[]
Draw Time (ticks) | Ranged Damage | Range | Possible modifiers |
20 | 7-12 ( to ) | 113%
chilling, enduring, feeble, fierce, hardy, headhunting, lasting, infernal, powerful, punching, striking, strong, and weak |
Most orc archers, including those of Mordor, use the same bow. This bow is more powerful than a vanilla bow, but it cannot compare to the various elven bows.
Arrows and Bolts[]
It is possible to craft poisoned arrows and bolts on the Morgul Crafting Table. The archers of Mordor often use the former.
Mordor Axe[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
6.5 () | 100% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, wraithbane, handy, hasty, masterful, nimble, silken, and sluggish |
If you don't want to fight, but just want to cut down trees, you might want to use the Mordor Axe instead of the Battleaxe. Some Mordor Orcs use this tool in combat.
Mordor Pickaxe[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
5.5 () | 100% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, wraithbane, handy, hasty, masterful, nimble, silken, and sluggish |
This tool is primarily used for digging up ores (which it is as good at as an iron pickaxe), but some Orcs see fit to use it as a weapon, too.
Mordor Shovel[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
4.5 () | 100% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, wraithbane, handy, hasty, masterful, nimble, silken, and sluggish |
Great at digging through various dirt and sand-like blocks, but not so good in combat.
Mordor Hoe[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Possible modifiers |
2 () | 100% | 100% | enduring, hardy, and lasting |
Used by Sauron's slaves to grow crops. Not recommended for use in combat.
The Hosts of Mordor |
Black Uruk (Archer) •
Olog-hai •
Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer, Bombardier) |
Arnorian •
Blue Dwarven •
Dalish •
Dol Amroth •
Dorwinion Elven •
Dwarven Angmar •
Black Númenórean •
Black Uruk •
Corsair •
Dol Guldur Not Faction Specific: