The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Wide flats lay on either bank, shadowy meads filled with pale white flowers. Luminous these were too, beautiful and yet horrible of shape, like the demented forms in an uneasy dream; and they gave forth a faint sickening charnel-smell; an odour of rottenness filled the air.

The Two Towers

Morgul-flowers are a type of flower found exclusively in the Morgul Vale. They appear white and pale green, which makes them stand out against the swamp-green grass of the Vale. They can grow on grass, dirt, Mordor Rock, Mordor Dirt, and Mordor Gravel. They produce white smoke and status effect particles (most commonly green, but these can be of any colour), indicating that there's more to these foul plants than meets the eye.

Enemies of Mordor had best stay well away from these flowers, as those with under +250 Mordor alignment (as well as all mobs that aren't affiliated with the Mordor faction) are prone to experience debilitating status effects around them. Simply standing close to the flowers will inflict nausea and blindness on the enemies of Mordor, while standing on them will grant those effects and poison. The flowers have no effect on those with over +250 Mordor alignment, however, and can thus prove useful for evil players. Note that in renewed, the range of these flowers' nausea effect is increased.

When Morgul-flowers were first added, it was a popular misconception that the debilitating effects of the flowers was caused by looking at them. This is not true.



The banks of the river Morgulduin, where large patches of Morgul-flowers can be seen.

Morgul-flowers are commonly found within Morgul Vale, usually in groups of roughly three to twelve. They are dramatically more common along riverbanks in the biome, which provide an easy way to obtain large numbers of the flowers. They can also be obtained by using bonemeal on grass in Morgul Vale, which can produce anything between 0 to 6 flowers per bonemeal used. On average, it is a 1:1 ratio of bonemeal used to Morgul-flowers grown.


Unlike other Mod flowers, Morgul-flowers cannot be crafted into dyes.

Morgul-flowers are an important ingredient in brewing Morgul-draught, the recipe for which requires three of them.

brewing recipe
any bone
any bone
any bone
Water Bucket
Water Bucket
Water Bucket