The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Pelargir equipment is the equipment set utilized by the Pelargir marines and captains. It includes a short Eket-sword and a trident.

Pelargir Trident[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 68% 150% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
any stick
Iron Ingot
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Pelargir Trident

A Pelargir trident is a three-pronged melee weapon sometimes wielded by marines. It inflicts +6.5 attack damage and has an extra reach modifier that gives it a reach equal to that of a spear.

Pelargir Eket[]

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Iron Ingot
any stick
Iron Ingot
Pelargir Eket

The Eket was first utilized by the Numenoreans as a short sword. Now, the marines use this weapon in defense of their shores. It inflicts 6.5 points of damage, and has a standard attack speed and reach, like other swords.

Gondor Shield  The Men of Gondor  Gondor Banner

NPCs: Gondorian ‱ Levyman ‱ Soldier (Archer, Banner Bearer, Tower Guard)
Traders: Captain ‱ Market Traders
Items: Armour (Horse) ‱ Bow ‱ Equipment
Blocks: Beacon ‱ Brick (Cobble) ‱ Casket ‱ Crafting Table
Structures: Beacon Tower ‱ Fortress ‱ Obelisk ‱ Ruined Tower ‱ Ruins ‱ Settlements ‱ Turret ‱ Watchfort

Blackroot Shield  The Soldiers of the Blackroot Vale  BlackrootVale Banner

NPCs: Soldier (Bowman)
Traders: Bowlord
Items: Armour ‱ Bow
Blocks: Blackroot

Dol Amroth Shield  The Knights of Dol Amroth  Dol Amroth Banner

Man-at-arms (Archer) ‱ Swan Knight (Banner Bearer)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour (Horse) ‱ Equipment ‱ Swan Feather
Blocks: Brick ‱ Crafting Table
Structures: Stable

Gondor Shield  The Rangers of Ithilien  Ithilien Banner

NPCs: Ranger of Ithilien
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour
Structures: Hideout

Lamedon Shield  The Hillmen of Lamedon  Lamedon Banner

NPCs: Warrior (Archer, Hillman)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour ‱ Gambeson

Lebennin Shield  The Folk of Lebennin  Lebennin Banner

NPCs: Levyman
Traders: Captain
Items: Gambeson

Lossarnach Shield  The Mountaineers of Lossarnach  Lossarnach Banner

NPCs: Axeman
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour ‱ Equipment

Pelargir Shield  The Mariners of Pelargir  Pelargir Banner

NPCs: Marine
Traders: Commander
Items: Armour ‱ Equipment

Pinnath Gelin Shield  The Warriors of Pinnath Gelin  PinnathGelin Banner

NPCs: Soldier
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour

AxeElven Equipment Sets in Middle-earth PickaxeDolGuldur

SwordArnorian Arnorian ‱ BattleaxeBlueDwarven Blue Dwarven ‱ PikeDale Dalish ‱ SwordDolAmroth Dol Amroth ‱ SpearBladorthin Dorwinion Elven ‱ MattockDwarven Dwarven
LongspearElven Galadhrim ‱ HammerGondor Gondorian ‱ SwordHighElven Lindon ‱ BattleaxeLossarnach Lossarnach ‱ AxeMallorn Mallorn
TridentPelargir Pelargir ‱ SwordRivendell Rivendell ‱ LanceRohan Rohirric ‱ HammerTauredain Taurethrim ‱ PolearmWoodElven Wood-elven

DaggerAngmar Angmar ‱ MaceBlackNumenorean Black NĂșmenĂłrean ‱ BattleaxeBlackUruk Black Uruk ‱ Corsair Harpoon Corsair ‱ BattleaxeDolGuldur Dol Guldur
DunlendingClub Dunlending ‱ Gulfen Khopesh Gulfen ‱ HammerGundabadUruk Gundabad Uruk ‱ BattleaxeHalfTroll Half-troll ‱ Haradric Pike Haradric
ScimitarOrc Mordor ‱ Morwaith Spear Morwaith ‱ RhĂ»nic Sword RhĂ»nic ‱ ScimitarNearHarad Umbaric ‱ ScimitarUrukBerserker Uruk ‱ BattleaxeUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

Ancient Sword Ancient ‱ SwordBronze Bronze ‱ Gold ‱ Iron ‱ HalberdMithril Mithril
