The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Rhûnic armour is an armour set introduced in Public Beta 31. It is worn by Easterling warriors, archers, and fire-throwers. There is also a golden variant.

HelmetRhûnic BodyRhûnic LegsRhûnic BootsRhûnic


The Rhûnic armour can be obtained as a drop after killing warriors or as loot in houses in Rhûn. It can also be crafted on a Rhûnic crafting table.


Crafting Rhûnic Armour
Recipe Protection Possible modifiers Durability
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Rhûnic Helmet
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, tough, and unwithering 264
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Rhûnic Chestplate
5 ( 5 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, steadfast, tough, and unwithering 384
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Rhûnic Leggings
4 ( 4 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, steadfast, tough, and unwithering 360
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Rhûnic Boots
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, lightfooted, poor, strongshod, thicksoled, tough, and unwithering 312
EasterlingShieldSmall  The Easterlings of Rhúdel  Easterling Banner

NPCs: Easterling (Archer, Clansman, Farmhand, Fire-thrower, Golden, Warrior)
Traders: Market TradersWarlord
Items: Armour (Golden) • BowEquipmentFire-potKhamûl's Fire
Blocks: Brick (Red) • Crafting Table
Structures: Settlements


HelmetArnor ArnorianHelmetBlackroot Blackroot ValeHelmetBlueDwarven Blue Dwarven • (Gold trimmed blue dwarven helmet Trimmed) • HelmetDale DalishHelmetDolAmroth Dol Amroth
HelmetDorwinion Dorwinion (HelmetDorwinionElf Elven) • HelmetDwarven Dwarven (DwarvenArmourGold Trimmed) • HelmetElven GaladhrimHelmetGalvorn Galvorn
HelmetGondolin GondolinianHelmetGondor GondorianHelmetRangerIthilien Ithilien RangerHelmetLamedon LamedonHelmetHighElven LindonHelmetLossarnach Lossarnach
HelmetPelargir PelargirHelmetPinnathGelin Pinnath GelinHelmetRangerNorth RangerHelmetRivendell RivendellHelmetRohan Rohirric (HelmetRohanMarshal Marshal)
HelmetTauredain Taurethrim (HelmetTauredainGold Gold) • HelmetWoodElven Wood-elven (HelmetWoodElvenScout Scout)


HelmetAngmar AngmarHelmetBlackNúmenórean Black NúmenóreanHelmetBlackUruk Black UrukHelmetNearHarad Coast SouthronHelmetCorsair Corsair
HelmetDolGuldur Dol GuldurHelmetDunlending DunlendingHelmetGulfen GulfenHelmetGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukHelmetHalfTroll Half-trollHelmetHarnedor Harnennor
HelmetMordor MordorHelmetMoredain Morwaith (HelmetMoredainLion Chieftain) • HelmetMorgul MorgulHelmetNomad Nomad
HelmetRhûnic Rhûnic (HelmetGoldenRhûnic Golden) • HelmetUmbaric UmbaricHelmetUruk UrukHelmetUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

HelmetAncient AncientHelmetBone BoneHelmetBronze BronzeHelmetWarg FurHelmetGemsbok Gemsbok HideGoldIronLeatherHelmetMithril Mithril

Clothing Items:

HelmetHithlain Galadhrim CloakGambesonGondor GambesonHelmetHaradRobes Harad RobesKaftan KaftanLeatherHat Leather HatPartyHat Party Hat

Mount Armour:

BoarArmourDwarven BoarWood-elven Elk Armour ElkHorseArmorDolAmroth HorseHalf-troll Rhino Armour RhinoWargArmourUruk Warg
