The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

See also: Red Rhûnic Brick

Rhunic Brick is a type of block added in Public Beta 31, along with the Easterling Faction. It is used as the main component in Easterling structures.


It is found in essentially all structures in Rhúdel, thus making it easy to acquire. It can also be crafted if one chooses to do so.


It is crafted with four stone in a Rhûnic crafting table. Once crafted it can be made into stairs, slabs, or walls, using the standard recipe layout for those items on the Rhûnic crafting table.

Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Stone or Sandstone
Stone or Sandstone
Stone or Sandstone
Stone or Sandstone
Rhûnic Brick


A carved variant of rhûnic brick can be made from putting four brick on a Rhûnic crafting table in a square shape. Keep in mind that this only yields one carved brick.

Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Rhûnic Brick
Rhûnic Brick
Rhûnic Brick
Rhûnic Brick
Carved Rhûnic Brick


A trimmed variant of rhûnic brick can be made by surrounding rhûnic brick with gold nuggets on a Rhûnic crafting table.

Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Rhûnic Brick
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold-trimmed Rhûnic Brick


A cracked variant of rhûnic brick can be made by smelting rhûnic brick in a furnace or forge.

heat needed
Rhûnic Brick
any kind of fuel
Cracked Rhûnic Brick


A mossy variant of rhûnic brick can be made by combining vines with rhûnic brick in a Rhûnic crafting table.

Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Rhûnic Brick
any vines
Mossy Rhûnic Brick


A flowery variant of rhûnic brick can be made by combining an orange chrysanthemum with rhûnic brick in a Rhûnic crafting table.

Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Rhûnic Brick
Orange Chrysanthemum
Flowery Rhûnic Brick

Rhûnic Brick Variants: Normal, carved, and trimmed on the bottom. Above those are mossy, cracked, and flowery, respectively.

EasterlingShieldSmall  The Easterlings of Rhúdel  Easterling Banner

NPCs: Easterling (Archer, Clansman, Farmhand, Fire-thrower, Golden, Warrior)
Traders: Market TradersWarlord
Items: Armour (Golden) • BowEquipmentFire-potKhamûl's Fire
Blocks: Brick (Red) • Crafting Table
Structures: Settlements

AngmarBrick AngmarArnorBrick ArnorSarngaranBrick CargonDalish Brick DaleDol Amroth Brick Dol AmrothDolGuldurBrick Dol GuldurDorwinionBrick Dorwinion
DwarvenBrick DwarvenElvenBrick ElvenGondorBrick Gondor (GondorCobblebrick Cobble) • Near Harad Brick HaradricIce Brick IceSarlluinBrick LuigonMordorBrick Mordor
Morwaith Brick MorwaithMud Brick MudNúmenórean Brick NúmenóreanRed Brick RedRhûnic Brick Rhûnic (Red Rhûnic Brick Red)
Rohan Brick RohanSnow Brick SnowTaurethrim Brick TaurethrimUmbar Brick UmbarUruk brick UrukUtumnoBricks Utumno
