The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Rohan brick is a brownish stone brick block that is used by the horse-lords of Rohan, and made from the rock of their native land.


Rohan brick can be found in and mined from Rohan fortresses, where they make up part of the floor. They also appear as part of the inside of Rohan barrows. Additionally, the roads of Rohan are made of these bricks, which may of course, also be crafted.


These bricks can be crafted on the Rohirric crafting table from four Rohan rocks. Using this crafting method will yield four Rohan brick blocks, which means that one block of Rohan rock effectively equals one block of Rohan bricks.

Rohirric crafting recipe
Rohirric Crafting
Rohan Rock
Rohan Rock
Rohan Rock
Rohan Rock
Rohan Brick

Once crafted, the brick can then be made into slabs, stairs, and walls using the regular Minecraft crafting recipes on the Rohirric crafting table. It can also be crafted into a carved variant.

Rohirric crafting recipe
Rohirric Crafting
Rohan Brick
Rohan Brick
Rohan Brick
Rohan Brick
Carved Rohan Brick

Rohan brick stairs, block, slab and wall

Rohan Shield  The Horse-Lords of Rohan  Rohan Banner

NPCs: Banner BearerBowmanFarmhandShieldmaidenWarrior
Traders: Market TradersMarshal
Items: Armour (Horse, Marshal) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: BarrowFortressMead HallVillageWatchtower

AngmarBrick AngmarArnorBrick ArnorSarngaranBrick CargonDalish Brick DaleDol Amroth Brick Dol AmrothDolGuldurBrick Dol GuldurDorwinionBrick Dorwinion
DwarvenBrick DwarvenElvenBrick ElvenGondorBrick Gondor (GondorCobblebrick Cobble) • Near Harad Brick HaradricIce Brick IceSarlluinBrick LuigonMordorBrick Mordor
Morwaith Brick MorwaithMud Brick MudNúmenórean Brick NúmenóreanRed Brick RedRhûnic Brick Rhûnic (Red Rhûnic Brick Red)
Rohan Brick RohanSnow Brick SnowTaurethrim Brick TaurethrimUmbar Brick UmbarUruk brick UrukUtumnoBricks Utumno
