The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

See also: Ruffian Brute.

Ruffian spies are shady characters that slink around the peaceful regions of Bree-land and Chetwood. They are scruffy men with similar ancestry to the Dunlendings and hillmen, and, although not openly hostile, they are in league with Isengard (some of them even look somewhat Orcish...). They can have either Bree-land or Dunlending names and sometimes wear a hat.

Killing a ruffian spy will award the achievement "Ruffian Slayer".


Ruffians spawn commonly in Chetwood, but also in Adornland, Bree-land, Dunland and Nan Curunír. They can also spawn in the Shire through conquest for Isengard.

In Bree-land settlements, ruffians also spawn in ruffian houses, which can be found near the side gates of villages and occasionally in hamlets.


Ruffians are technically unaligned but create localised spheres of influence for Isengard. They therefore are largely passive, not wishing to cause a stir while they gather intelligence (and pipe-weed) for Saruman. They will also avoid rangers and guards but will not be attacked by them. Bree-landers and hobbits will avoid them, but bounders will attack them if they dare enter the Shire...

If attacked, they will fight back with iron daggers, swords or battleaxes (and any nearby ruffians may join in - subsequent hits increase the range), but killing one will not award any alignment.

If the player is drunk or attacks them, nearby ruffian spies may try to rob the player of their valuables, in the same way that bandits can at any time.

Ruffian spies offer several mini-quests, such as fetching ale or mathoms, but they also have a unique 'pickpocketing' quest. More details on this type of quest can be found here. In addition, spies can give the player information about any 'bounty' quests they may have active.

Completing a mini-quest for a spy will award the achievement "Dodgy Dealings".


Ruffian Spies drop items similar to Bandits: mostly bones and Coins, sometimes Skull Cups, and more rarely their Hat or their weapon.


Note that spies and brutes both use this speechbank, but spies don't use the 'hired' section (obviously).


  • We look after one-another. Don't we, Person?
  • Our allies are gathering in the North, hidden amongst the refugees.
  • Any word from Sharkey?
  • Any word from the Boss?
  • Keep an eye out on the road, I heard some important folks might come by soon.
  • Stay on the roads, friend. The wilderness is sprawling with those Rangers.
  • Find some comfort, keep an open ear, report what you uncover to me.
  • We ain't thugs, you hear. We are just putting our money on the future.
  • Keep your head low, and don't get caught by the guards of Bree.
  • Those Little Folk are sneaky, be sure you don't get tailed.
  • I'll be moving up to Deadmen's Dike soon.
  • Ah, Person. I see you've made it to Bree.
  • I heard the old fortress is being repurposed as a hideout, if you are in grave need.
  • Our scouts knew you were coming. You should do better to move about unnoticed.
  • Can I help you? Sorry, I don't sell pipe-weed at the moment.
  • The weather sure is sinister these days.
  • You got any new information on Baggins? The Black Riders are getting impatient.
  • I heard some of those rangers talk about a place called Fornost. I think they are onto us.


  • What are you looking at?
  • I don't think I can help you, move along.
  • Why are you looking at me funny? Can't you see I'm busy?
  • Another refugee, or are you here with a different purpose?
  • How's the rain treating you?
  • Who are you again? It's my business to know who comes and goes around Bree-land.
  • You don't look like the type I normally do business with, why are you here?
  • I see they're letting anyone inside Bree these days.
  • Move along unless you have something to tell to my face.
  • A newcomer? Interesting...


  • I'd just like a chat, come 'ere!
  • Why don't you just lie down and make this easier for both of us!
  • Look, it's nothing personal. Sharkey just wants a few words with you.
  • It's not warmongering, it's just good business.
  • You and your little friends will all soon be shackled and enslaved anyway!
  • We don't need your kind around here, Person.
  • Bandit? Oh no, I am far more refined than your average highwayman.
  • I don't need your cash, but it make for a fine bonus reward.
  • Where were you going to run? I've got friends all over Eriador!
  • Looking for the Grey Wanderer? We don't need that funny business around here.
  • Times are tough enough as it is, you need to leave!
  • You came from the Shire, didn't you? Good to know.
  • You're not a threat to our cause, Person!
  • The Boss would love to meet you, aye!


  • Anyone step out of line?
  • What's the command, Person?
  • Give me my orders and split up, we don't want to raise suspicion.
  • You tell me what to do, I'll get it done.
  • Ready to enforce some cooperation?
  • They won't even know what hit them.
  • Just give the word, I am ready.
  • We moving to the Shire anytime soon?
  • I could use a little bit more rumble and tumble, Person.
  • I'm ready to get my hands dirty, what do you need me to do?
  • Glad to have you in command, Person.
  • What are we up to today? Bullying Halflings, or intimidating the Men?
  • Tell me what to do, and you can consider it done, Person.
The One Wiki to Rule Them All has an article on:


The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:


Bree Shield  The Big and Little Folk of Bree  Bree-land Banner

NPCs: Bree-ManBree-hobbitGuardFarmhandRuffian SpyRuffian Brute
Traders: BlacksmithFarmerInnkeepersMarket TradersBree-land Sherriff
Blocks: Bree-land Crafting Table
Structures: Bree-land Settlement (hamlets and villages)
