The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

You might as well search for some other kind of small ruin.

Ruined houses can be found throughout the less populated regions of north-west Middle-earth, such as Minhiriath and the Lone-lands.


Ruined houses are mostly made out of oak wood planks and oak wood fence, with some Oak Wood Logs used in the corners and the walls. The floor is made out of dirt and cobblestone, with moss growing on some of it. Ruined houses may also spawn with rotten or charred wood instead of Oak.


Each ruined house contains a chest with semi-valuable to valuable loot (gold, weapons, saddles, bones, etc.) and a useful furnace. Occasionally, you may stumble across the remains of certain poor farmers who had the unhappy misfortune of being a troll's lunch...


The chest will contain 2-7 stacks of items, selected from the following list. The "probability" refers to the probability of that particular stack being chosen from the list of all the stacks.

Item Weight Probability Quantity Image
Bone 100 10% 1-4 Bone
Orc Bone 25 2.5% 1-4 OrcBone
Warg Bone 10 1% 1-2 WargBone
Bronze Ingot 50 5% 2-4 Bronze Ingot
Iron Ingot 50 5% 2-4 Iron Ingot
Gold Ingot 25 2.5% 1-3 Gold Ingot
Silver Ingot 25 2.5% 2-3 Silver Ingot
Gold Nugget 25 2.5% 2-9 GoldNugget
Silver Nugget 25 2.5% 2-9 Silver Nugget
Mithril Nugget 5 0.5% 1-4 Mithril Nugget
Silver Coin 100 10% 1-50 Silver Coin
10 Silver Coin 25 2.5% 1-6 Silver Coin
100 Silver Coin 5 0.5% 1-2 Silver Coin
Iron Sword 10 1% 1 SwordIron
Bronze Sword 10 1% 1 SwordBronze
Stone Sword 10 1% 1 Stone sword
Iron Dagger 10 1% 1 DaggerIron
Bronze Dagger 10 1% 1 DaggerBronze
Iron Axe 10 1% 1 AxeIron
Bronze Axe 10 1% 1 AxeBronze
Stone Axe 10 1% 1 AxeStone
Iron Battleaxe 10 1% 1 IronBattleaxe
Bronze Battleaxe 10 1% 1 BattleaxeBronze
Stone Spear 10 1% 1 SpearStone
Vanilla Bow 25 2.5% 1 VanillaBow
Iron Crossbow 10 1% 1 IronCrossbow
Bronze Crossbow 10 1% 1 BronzeCrossbow
Leather 50 5% 1-5 Leather
String 50 5% 1-5 String
Stick 50 5% 1-5 Stick
Book 25 2.5% 1-2 Book
Compass 25 2.5% 1 Compass
Pebble 25 2.5% 1-8 Pebble
Arrow 50 5% 1-7 Arrow
Crossbow Bolt 50 5% 1-7 Crossbow Bolt
Glass Bottle 25 2.5% 1-3 GlassBottle
Bottle of Poison 25 2.5% 1 Bottle of Poison
Lead 25 2.5% 1-2 Lead
Saddle 25 2.5% 1 Saddle
Mug 10 1% 1-3 Mug
Ceramic Mug 10 1% 1-3 CeramicMug
Ale Horn 10 1% 1-3 AleHorn
Golden Ale Horn 10 1% 1-3 AleHornGold
Goblet 10 1% 1-3 GobletWood
Silver Goblet 10 1% 1-3 GobletSilver
Gold Goblet 10 1% 1-3 GobletGold
Copper Goblet 10 1% 1-3 GobletCopper
Plate 10 1% 1-3 Plate
Ceramic Plate 15 1.5% 1-3 Plate
Gold Ring 5 0.5% 1 GoldRing
Silver Ring 5 0.5% 1 SilverRing
Mithril Lore Text 10 1% 1 Book
Pouch ? ? 1 Pouches
Ruins Lore Text ? ? 1 Book


Since Public Beta 25 two variants are included in the mod:

  • The rotten house, where the wooden parts of the house are replaced by rotten logs and planks.
  • The burnt house, where the wooden parts of the house are replaced by charred logs and planks, and the stone parts are replaced by scorched stone.

