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Info []
Welcome Tranun to our official wiki page.
AncarCraft is the first Sardinian Server which runs the Lord Of The Ring Renewed Extended Mod! Open since 2015 firstly using Lord Of The Rings Legacy Mod and now moved onto Renewed Extended which is a continuation of the Renewed Mod which is being worked on as we speak, our server focuses on presenting you the immense content of the LOTR Mod. We wish to give you an awesome gameplay with a number of Plugins to enrich the gameplay experience. We are one of the few servers (or probably the only one) which has its own weapon system based on your player level and has various gems to empower those weapons. The server also has crates, custom items, player auctions and various features which improve the player's gameplay drastically.
The server's lore is based on the custom history of our player base. On our long journey as LOTR server, we've run an alternative 4th age scenario (2016 - 2020) and a 5th age scenario (2020 - 2022), direct consequence of our unique roleplay history (visit our wiki to read more). Since 22/06/2024 Ancar is currently set on a Third Age scenario after a decision taken by a community poll.
Sharpen your swords and axes, tighten your armor and venture out to conquer Middle-earth by defeating the hordes of enemies which await you; orcs, trolls, humans, elves and other players!
Choose the Race of your character (Human, Elf, Orc, Troll or Dwarf) and decide which Faction (Kingdom) earns your Character's Loyalty!
Server IP address: mc.ancarextended.xyz
Required to Join: • Minecraft Forge 1.16.5 • Latest Lotr Renewed Mod • Latest Lotr Extended Mod • CustomNPC 1.16.5 Mod
We are anxious for a commemorable Adventure with Roleplay, War and so on!
Do you need Help? Join our Discord For more info, read our Wiki
The following list of photos might contain a part of server-structures which have been deleted and are in progress of substitution. Although the majority of them, can be already seen in-game.
Kingdoms (Factions)[]
You can click on the faction for more information about it on our Wiki
Note, kingships on the following tab may be outdated, latest update is from 02/08/2024, however current real-time kingships can be checked on discord or in-game.
Human Factions | Current Ruler |
Rohan | Veegbezem |
Gondor | almightysooch |
Northern Dúnedain | helvede333 |
Dale | MatthewTheRed |
Dunland | hyperkillerTv |
Dorwinion | caranthir00 |
Morwaith | N/A |
Umbar | N/A |
Artheloth | Fredigann |
Hobbit Factions | Current Ruler |
Shire | N/A |
Elven Factions | Current Ruler |
Lindon | N/A |
Wood Elves | N/A |
Lothlórien | N/A |
Rivendell | N/A |
Dwarven Factions | Current Ruler |
Durin's Folk | ReturnOfWilliam |
Blue Dwarves | N/A |
Orcish Factions | Current Ruler |
Mordor | DuszaZarow |
Dol Guldur | N/A |
Gundabad | N/A |
Isengard | CeryusBusiness |
Angmar | N/A |
Sub Factions | Current Ruler | Faction Items |
Beornings | N/A | Dale |