The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

NOTICE: We are looking for builders to assist us in building Ever On, if anyone is interested, visit our discord to fill out the form.

Ever On

The Road Goes Ever, Ever On...


The ever on server is a survival server encouraging adventure and role-play, admins construct cities and fortresses from The Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, and other of Tolkien works, structures include Rivendell, Hobbiton, Carn Dum, Erabor, and the underwater ruins of Gondolin, among many others. A good thing about this server is that admins are on very often, and they add, extend, or improve structures and villages almost constantly, that means that if you collect all of the resources from a location, and come back later on, the location may have new or more resources available. All waypoints are banner protected by their respective factions, certain regions of the location require a higher alignment to access, general as you approach the center of the location, it will require a higher alignment, this allows enemy players to not completely destroy a location, and allows only those of highest alignments to access the entire location.

Features We Offer

-Custom Made Build Locations



-Admin Support

-Rank System

-Starting Titles

-Beginner Kits

-Faction selection that gives alignment with selected faction

+Much More

Why Us?

We offer full player support. Including New Suggestions, Help with use, and much more.

Suggested Mod(s)

Optifine (1.7.10 HD U E7) (For Dynamic Lighting)




Click Here

1.15 Coming Soon:

We will transition to 1.15 immediately when beta 36 comes out, we hope there will not be much problems with item id's, we suggest storing all items that you want to keep for the update in a chest as all player data will be reset. The update will probably be in the far future so players do not worry. We are also preparing a much larger and inclusive lobby, with more options for faction selecting, small minigames and quests, events and much much more, we hope to see you there!


We have downloaded some of our builds from a Russian project called Genstructures, we take some of there builds and improve them, as many of their structures are not detailed or complete, they do have very good structures though, and we recommend you check them out. Our builds are improved by Admin Elrohir314, we have most builds north of Harad, with the Harad, Morwaith, Pertorogwaith, and Tauredain structures being fully built by Elrohir314.

Gameplay mechanics of the Lord of the Rings Mod