The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Third Age: Rise of War[]

Welcome to Third Age: Rise of War! This is a server that runs the Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod. Our server is aimed at the fun of players, beautiful buildings (both lore and your own ideas, concerning the variety of builds that are not described by Tolkien), and epic wars/quests. Our lore is mostly strictly LOTR lore, with some exceptions. As the title says, this server focuses on faction politics and war. You could categorise the server gameplay as a mixture of dungeons & dragons, strategy and minecraft.

Server Team[]

Owner: Nick/SaxonSavage

Admin Maya/Mayalana

Admin Niclas/bluenic02

Moderator Evelien/Echuiriel

Moderator Pel/Pelh4s3

Moderator Snogard/Snogard42

Builder Thijs/That1Guy/I_DONT_KNOW

Builder Thijs/The_SteelShark


The main server rule section is divided into 3 categories: Server rules, social rules and game play rules. We also have trade rules and pvp rules.


Server rules: The main rules of the server of whom most are obvious.

Social rules: The rules concerning your overall behaviour on the server.

Game play rules: The rules that see to it that you play realistic

and to make it more fun for both you and your counterparts.

            The rules are shared and sorted in a google document here for

            your convenience.


There is however much more to the server than just the rules,

we have an advanced and organised gameplay system with

maps, diplomacy files, regional events, warfare files, that is

always kept up to date, matching with diplomatic and strategic

decision making by faction leaders and their vassals. Much of

this is to be found on our discord server:



Realise that we on our server highly value realistic and aesthetic builds with high standards, making it hard for us to have many builders as most lack the skills to meet our requirements. Next to this we are hesitant in giving away builder ranks for safety precautions. Only trusted and known players are able to apply and become builders. So far a couple of builds have been completed, or are significantly worked on, small ones will be included until we have dozens of them:

-Various small landscape features like carrock, Last Bridge, Old Ford, Brandywine Bridge and Ferry, etc.


-Beorn's Halls

-Southern Downs (Dúnedain village with ruins), Sarn Ford

-Helm's Deep

-Fords of the Isen

-Anat An-Khorumor


-Black Gate

-Scatha's Lair


-Carn Dûm

-Dol Guldur



-Cair Andros

-Moria (entirety of it)

Several builds are constantly being worked on and this list might expand sooner rather than later.

Servers running the LotR Mod
Official Servers:

Official Server

Unofficial Servers:

AncarCraft: The Fourth AgeAnthem of EruApocryphes d'ArdaArda le 4eme age


Beginning: A New life in Middle EarthEnnorathEras of Arda


Flames of WarImmortalisIsildur's Bane LOTR ServerIt's a hARDA world


LOTR SurvivalPrimacraft


Steel Armies: The Last DaysThe 12 Rings ServerThe End to All ThingsThe One RingThird age: Rise of WarVintage ArdaWar of the Ring
