The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Vintage Arda is the new and improved iteration of the original New Arda server that was launched on April 5th, 2017.

The original New Arda server had something akin to the current Conquest system in place (not to imply that the mod team stole the idea, but they totally stole the idea), which was mostly rendered obsolete and not brought forward into the new server. However, the original ***custom title system*** remains in place, and is one of the unique features of the server.

The custom title system allows you to have both a title and a faction listed after your name in a way that looks neat and fluid. For example, LockedIn's ign appears as [Oromë, Huntsman of the Valar]. This includes both leadership titles (which have certain requirements before attainment) and more generic titles.

This server is good for those who are looking for a small, tight-knit community. The server's peak is usually in the evening of EST, and can reach up to 8 players online at a time.

Discord link:

Getting Started[]

Vintage Arda starts out a little differently than many other servers. As opposed to starting out in The Shire, spawn initially takes you to an intro hallway, which leads to the starting room that lets you choose your desired faction (including sub-factions).

Choosing a faction affects four things: your spawn, your starting alignment, available kits, and your title. For example, joining Dol Amroth will set your spawn in Dor-en-Ernil, grant you +50 Gondor alignment, give you access to a kit (through /kit) that grants you starting equipment and armor, and add "of Dol Amroth" to your title, following your username. If you change your mind and select a different faction, all of that will be replaced, and your alignment reset with all other factions (except for the new one you've chosen, which will again be set to +50). Being factionless (or "neutral") is an option, with the button for it being at the end of the hallway; it will set your spawn at the Forsaken Inn in Bree-land.

(Note: If you change your mind later on a faction, contact an admin, as the faction room is not able to be reached again after leaving (/back won't work, either). If you change from good to evil, or vice versa, your alignment can be reset to 0 with all factions, save for your chosen one, just like when you first choose one upon joining the server. If not changing from good to evil, your alignments will stay the same, and you'll have to change your pledge to the new faction yourself.)

After a faction has been chosen, /spawn will let you leave the faction room, and will take you to /warp titles (where you can return at any time). From there you will be able to choose a second part of your title (if you so desire). There are many options available, all of which will blend nicely with your chosen faction. An example of this would be choosing "Knight", which will set your full title in chat to "[username/nickname], Knight of Dol Amroth". Only choose one title (there's a "remove" button for each individual title), otherwise it does count as spam.

After entering the title room, and regardless of whether or not you choose to have a title, doing /spawn again will take you to your actual faction's spawn, where you can begin playing. Make sure you follow all server rules, obey admins, and consider joining our Discord server (! Most importantly, have fun! Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo!

Server Rules[]

UPDATED RULES LIST (also available at /rules)

1. No griefing (obviously). This includes messing with other players' builds, as well as stealing from their chests and killing their units outside of combat, regardless of whether or not it's Banner protected.

2. Don't spam, and don't use slurs of any kind. Spam includes typing in all caps, excessive swearing, and having more than one title.

3. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry of any kind. It's Minecraft, dude. Respect each other.

4. No building within 100 blocks of a Waypoint, unless it's a lore build, your faction's spawn room, or you've been given explicit permission by an admin.

5. No TP killing or AFK killing. Map location is on, however, specifically to make headhunting quests feasible.

6. If you've been given artisan or creative, don't abuse it. Don't give yourself or other players resources, don't work on non-lore builds (unless explicitly given permission), don't spawn traders.

7. No more than 50 units in an area. (Obviously in battles, this number could feasibly be doubled when taking into account all players' units. That's fine, but no huge battles if the server is busy.)

8. Spawn eggs are 10k silver. Wanna buy one? Ask an admin.

9. No alignment farms. Kill enemies in the wild like the rest of us.

Faction Leaders[]

Being a faction leader comes with a few benefits. Namely: bragging rights, and a special leadership title that can only be granted by an admin after you meet the requirements for leadership. It will also grant you access to any lore builds of that faction that may have been built by any artisans or members of staff (with the ruler of Gondor having access to the Citadel of Minas Tirith, for example).

Being a faction leader isn't too complicated. 1) You need to have a minimum of +1500 alignment with your chosen faction, in addition to being pledged to it. 2) You must build a base, which must have, at minimum, walls and a keep/central building; lore builds are preferred, and if you prove you're a capable builder, you can even earn "Artisan" (which gives access to creative mode and World Edit) to do so. 3) You must not have any other members of your faction contesting your rule, or if there are any, you must have a higher alignment than them.

Lower level leadership titles (such as Prince or Captain) may be awarded by your faction leader (if there is one) if you have at least +1000 alignment.

Current faction leaders are as follows:

Gondor: [Isildur, King of Gondor] (IAmN8ZGR8), [Beleg, General of Gondor] (iiimpz)

- Dol Amroth: [Crusadian, Prince of Dol Amroth] (Crusadian)

Blue Mountains: [Thorin, High-King of Ered Luin] (Gamerboy81808), [Gustavo, Prince of Ered Luin] (NoAlbedoSimp)

High Elves: [Elrond, Lord of Rivendell] (Coral88)

Mordor: [Gothmog, Warlord of Mordor] (DarkLonerWolf)

Rhúdel: [Niqhty, Khan of Rhúdel] (Niqhty)

Lore Builds in Progress[]

Build Name Location Builder Status Gamemode
Minas Tirith Gondor (Pelennor Fields) LockedIn Mostly complete/functional Creative
The Forsaken Inn Bree-land LockedIn/beeisonline Complete Creative
Ost-in-Edhil Eregion LockedIn In progress Survival
The Morannon (Black Gate) Mordor (Udûn) LockedIn Complete Creative
Orthanc/Isengard Nan Curunír LockedIn Mostly complete/functional Creative
Himring Himling LockedIn Mostly complete/functional Creative
Unnamed Rhúdel Build Rhúdel Niqhty In progress Survival/Creative
Paths of the Dead White Mountains Psalm82 In progress (on pause) Survival
Tower of Cirith Ungol Mordor DarkLonerWolf Complete Survival
Moria Misty Mountains TakeAwaytjuh/cedricvh27 In progress (on pause) Creative
Mírulond Dorwinion TakeAwaytjuh In progress (on pause) Creative
Thorin's Halls Blue Mountains Gamerboy81808 In progress Survial
Rivendell Rivendell Coral88 In progress (on pause) Survival
Ajtiaz an-Ahâr Southron Coasts KidFlashMetapod In progress (on pause) Creative
Barad-dûr Mordor (Gorgoroth) LockedIn In progress (on pause) Creative
High Pass Dwarf Fortress Misty Mountains Ethiopian_Guy1 In progress Survival

Server Staff[]

Owner : LockedIn (Oromë)

Admins: iiimpz (Beleg), KidFlashMetapod (Nazeem)

Moderators: TakeAwaytjuh (Gorbag), SirBlazzit (Alatar), planetcheese1, Joey_Senpai

Artisans: cedricvh27 (Cedric), Niqhty

Builds on the Server[]

Vintage Arda Ost-in-Edhil


Vintage Arda Orthanc


Vintage Arda Minas Tirith

Minas Tirith

Tower of Ecthelion Vintage Arda

The Tower of Ecthelion in the Citadel of Minas Tirith

Morannon Vintage Arda

The Morannon

Servers running the LotR Mod
Official Servers:

Official Server

Unofficial Servers:

AncarCraft: The Fourth AgeAnthem of EruApocryphes d'ArdaArda le 4eme age


Beginning: A New life in Middle EarthEnnorathEras of Arda


Flames of WarImmortalisIsildur's Bane LOTR ServerIt's a hARDA world


LOTR SurvivalPrimacraft


Steel Armies: The Last DaysThe 12 Rings ServerThe End to All ThingsThe One RingThird age: Rise of WarVintage ArdaWar of the Ring
