The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
The counter-spell was terrible. It nearly broke me. For an instant the door left my control and began to open! I had to speak a word of Command. That proved too great a strain. The door burst in pieces. Something dark as a cloud was blocking out all the light inside, and I was thrown backwards down the stairs. All the wall gave way, and the roof of the chamber as well, I think.

–Gandalf in The Bridge of Khazad-dûm, The Fellowship of the Ring

This page lists and describes all commands that have been added by the LotR mod.

Hint: The very useful [tab] key lists possible option while typing a command. Try to use this key before asking about the command syntax.

General Command Syntax[]

Most commands use arguments to determine additional values for the command execution. To see, which arguments a command uses, you can type /help <command> to get the help information. This shows each command as one of the following:

If you see... Then
<angle brackets> This is a required argument.
[square brackets] This is an optional argument.
italics Replace this with an appropriate value.
plain text Enter this literally, exactly as shown.
a|b Pick one of the options shown.

Available options are shown separated by vertical bars: |

argument … The argument may consist of multiple words separated by spaces.

Player selection[]

Main Page on the official Minecraft wiki (Note that we are not in the newest Minecraft version. The wiki might have information that doesn't affect our current version.)

When a command wants a <player> argument, you can type a player's name or a player selection code. The target selection code consists of one target selection variable and optional additional selectors in squared brackets for closer selection. You can invert an additional argument by setting an '!' behind the '=' mark.

Target selection variables
@p Selects the nearest player
@r Selects a random player, anywhere in the world
@a Selects all players.
Additional arguments
c maximum number of selected players
r maximum distance from the command source
rm minimum distance from the command source
m the player's gamemode
l maximum experience level of the player
lm minimum experience level of the player
name a specific name of the player
score_name only selects players whose scoreboard-score "name" is at most the determined value
score_name_min only selects players whose scoreboard-score "name" is at least the determined value
team the scoreboard-team the player is in


/tp @a[score_orcsKilled_min=10,name=!Mevans,m=!1] 0 ~ 0
teleports all players that have a "orcsKilled" score of at least 10, that do not have the name "Mevans" and that are not in creative mode to the position x=0 y=~ (the y-coordinate of the command source)  z=0

List of Commands[]


/lotrAchievement give|remove <achievement> [player]
Gives or removes specified achievement to/from yourself or another player. all may be used with remove to remove all achievements. all does not work with give. Inputting The player is optional. When no player is set, the command will affect yourself.


/alignment set|add <faction> <amount> [player]
This command lets you change the alignment of yourself or another player. You can set the alignment to a specific value or add a value to the current alignment. The maximum value for this command is 10000. <faction> determines the faction for that you want to change the alignment. It has to be written in capital letters. As of Public Beta 26 ALL or all can be used to affect all factions at once. The player is optional. When no player is set, the command will affect yourself.
/alignment set MORDOR 50
sets the alignment of the player to the Mordor faction to 50, regardless what is was before.
/alignment add ALL -500 Mevans
reduces Mevans' alignment to all factions by 500.
/alignmentsee <player>
This command displays the target player's alignments. This is useful for server admins.
/alignmentZones enable|disable
This command toggles, if areas of influence matter or not.


See Conquest for more details.

/conquest set|add|radial <faction> <amount> [x] [z]
Use this command to set, or add to, a faction's conquest value at the player's location (or a specified set of coordinates).
Using radial adds the specified amount of conquest to a central location (either the player's location or a set of coordinates) and then in a radius around it (in the same way that killing enemies does in normal gameplay).
/conquest clear [x] [z]
Use this command to clear the conquest at the player's location or a specified set of coordinates.
/conquest rate [value]
Use this command to view the global conquest rate (normally 1.0) or (by specifying a value) set the global conquest rate.

Date and Time[]

/lotrDate get|set|add <date>
Using /lotrDate get will tell you the date
Using /lotrDate set|add will change the date like the vanilla Minecraft command /time
/lotr_time set|add day|night|<time>
Sets Middle-earth time to <time> in ticks. A whole day-night cycle has 48,000 ticks (40 minutes, 1200 ticks per minute), 0 is sunrise, 12,000 is midday, 24,000 sunset, 36,000 midnight. day equals 1,440 (shortly after sunrise), night equals 28,800 (about 2 hours after sunset). Unfortunately there is no get option for it.

Equipment Modifiers[]

/lotrEnchant <player> <add|remove> <enchantment> OR /lotrEnchant <player> clear
Adds or removes modifiers from the item currently held by the targeted player.

Faction Relations[]

/facRelations set|reset <faction 1> <faction 2> <relation>
Using /facRelations set sets a relationship between two factions using the faction alignment names (found on the factions pages) and one of 5 relation values:
Using /facRelations reset resets all faction relations to their default setting.

Fast Travel[]

/wpCooldown <max|min>
This command changes the default minimum and maximum times (in seconds) a waypoint can be fast travelled to following a previous fast travel.
/fastTravelClock <seconds|max> [player]
This command lets you set the time since last fast travelling. You can use it to allow immediate fast travelling by using 'max' (or a similarly high number). The command can also be used on any other player, not only on you, when you define a player name.


/fellowship create <player> <"fName"> OR /fellowship option <player> <"fName"> <invite|add|remove|transfer|op|deop|disband|rename|icon|pvp|hired-ff|map-show> <...>
This command can be used to create, remove and fully customize Fellowships through the console.
/fmsg <"fName"> <message> OR /fmsg bind <"fName"> to bind a default Fellowship then /fmsg <message> OR /fmsg unbind
This command binds a default Fellowship to the /fmsg chat, thus removing the requirement of adding the Fellowship name after /fmsg, which makes conversation between members faster and allows more words per message. (Note, the permission node for this is "lotr.common.command.LOTRCommandFellowshipMessage" for normal players)
Note: fchat can be used in place of fmsg.


/invasion <type> [x] [y] [z] [size]
This command summons invasions. The type is specified by the FACTION and then an underscore followed by the subfaction (if applicable). An example command would be /invasion HIGH_ELF_rivendell or /invasion DURINS_FOLK. The size is how many NPCs have to be slain for the invasion to be defeated, which defaults to a random number as with a normal invasion (normally around 30-50).

Pledge Cooldown[]

/pledgeCooldown <ticks> [Player]
This command sets the cooldown between breaking a pledge and being able to make a new pledge to the specified number of ticks.

Spawn Damping[]

/spawnDamping <set> <type> <amount> OR /spawnDamping <calc> <type>
Limits the spawning of specific NPCs based on the number of players online.

Structure Timelapse[]

/strTimelapse on|off|<interval>
Enables/disables timelapse mode for structure spawners. Sets waiting time between single blocks to <interval> (in milliseconds). Don't use this for huge structures like pyramids, it takes forever! Warning: Might be buggy!


/lotr_summon <entity> [x] [y] [z] {dataTag}
This is equivalent to the summon command, because the summon command has no [tab] support for mobs from mods. It has the same syntax and works completely the same. Note that you need to add a lotr. prefix to every entity name.
/lotr_summon lotr.Troll ~ ~ ~ {ImmuneToSun:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0}]}
This will summon a troll that doesn't turn to stone in the sun (ImmuneToSun) and that can't move (movementSpeed=0).


/lotrWaypoints unlock|lock <region> [player]
This command unlocks all waypoints within a specified region for yourself or another player. Inputting all will affect all regions at once. The player is optional. When no player is set, the command will affect yourself.

Usage of vanilla-commands for LOTR specific actions[]

/gamerule enableMiddleEarthRespawning|enableOrcSkirmish true|false
The gamerule-command was not added by the Mod, but these two gamerules were. They are no longer in effect since Public Beta 22.
enableMiddleEarthRespawning enables/disables the Middle-earth respawn option when no bed could be found (respawn ~2000 blocks around the death point). Default: true
enableOrcSkirmish enables/disables the effect, that lets orcs fight each other sometimes in skirmishes. Default: true
/playsound <sound> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume]
This command can run LOTR-sounds too! The available sounds are listed in the Mod's sounds.json file that can be found in the Mod .jar in /assets/lotr. The sounds themselves, can be found in /assets/lotr/sounds. Note that you need to add a lotr: prefix to the sound name.
/playsound lotr:item.horn @p
/playsound lotr:aurochs.death @p
/give and /setblock
To specify a LOTR block, you have to add lotr:tile. prefix to the block name. For items you have to add lotr:item.. Press [tab] to see a full list of items and blocks. IDs (instead of item names) work normal, but won't be possible anymore in 1.8.
The vanilla /summon command can summon mod entities in the same way as /lotr_summon does. The only difference is that the [tab] tool won't show LOTR-entities when you use /summon. Add the lotr. prefix to the entity name as usual.
NBT-tag "CustomName"
CustomNames for LOTR-NPCs will be overridden by the NPC Name and have no effect.
Gameplay mechanics of the Lord of the Rings Mod