The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

The Crocodile is a hostile mob that spawns exclusively in the Far Harad regions.


Two crocodiles in a mangrove forest.


These mobs only spawn in or near rivers and other bodies of water, meaning that they are especially common in the Mangrove and Far Harad Swampland biomes. Light level does not seem to affect their spawn pattern. Crocodiles can spawn underground in caves where water is present as well as on the surface.


Crocodiles are similar to Vanilla Spiders in that their attitude towards the player depends on the day/night cycle. During the night they are hostile and will attack the player on sight. During the day, however, Crocodiles are neutral and will not attack unless provoked. They will frequently target NPCs as well as the player.

Crocodiles will often attack and kill other animals like gemsbok and zebras without provocation as well.

Crocodiles can run as fast as a walking player on land, making them easy to outrun. However, they are considerably more dangerous in the water as they are faster swimmers than the player. Crocodiles attack with their ferocious jaws and can often attack in groups.

Alignment does not affect the behaviour of crocodiles, as they are not sentient beings.


Crocodiles drop rotten flesh (Rotten Flesh), leather (Leather) and raw fish (Fish), as well as what remains of their last victim, such as bones and meat, mostly of zebras (Zebrameat), Gemsbok (GemsbokHide) and NPCs they have slain..


  • This mob, along with most other Far Harad mobs, was previously a part of Mevans' Lion King Mod.
  • The Morwaith are often victims to crocodile attacks and can occasionally give the player a quest to slay them.
Animals of Middle-Earth

Vanilla: Farm AnimalsSquidBat
Mounts: CamelElkGiraffeHorse (Pony) • Mirkwood Spider
Mordor SpiderRhinoWargWild BoarZebra
Ambient: AurochsBearBirdButterflyCrocodileDeerDik-dik
FishGemsbokKine of ArawLionMidgesRabbit
Other: Desert ScorpionExploding TermiteJungle Scorpion
