The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

The Taurethrim Blowgun is the primary ranged weapon for the Taurethrim, used by the Taurethrim Blowgunner.


This blowgun has a very high rate of fire compared to bows, but deals relatively little damage and has less range than most bows, along with significantly lower durability. The blowgun can be repaired with reeds.


The Taurethrim blowgun can be obtained by looting out structures in a Taurethrim Village, or it can be crafted using a stick and reeds on the Taurethrim crafting table. It can also be bought from a Taurethrim Shaman or be found in a Taurethrim Pyramid.

Taurethrim crafting recipe
Taurethrim Crafting
any stick
Taurethrim Blowgun


To use the weapon, you need to hold either normal or poisoned darts in your inventory. If you hold both variants, the stack that comes first, is used first (from top to down, from left to right). Darts, that missed their target can be re-collected.

Tauredain Shield  The Taurethrim of Far Harad  Tauredain Banner

NPCs: Taurethrim (Banner Bearer, Blowgunner, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: ChieftainFarmerShamanSmith
Items: TauredainAmulet150 AmuletArmourTaurethrim Blowgun BlowgunTauredain Cocoa CocoaTauredain Dart Dart
EquipmentTauredain150 EquipmentJungleRemedy RemedyObsidianShard ShardTorch tauredain Torch
Blocks: BrickCrafting TableGravel
Structures: PyramidVillage
