The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
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Forty leagues it stretched from the Far Downs to the Brandywine Bridge, and fifty from the northern moors to the marshes in the south. The Hobbits named it the Shire [...] and there in that pleasant corner of the world they plied their well ordered business of living [...].

The Fellowship of The Ring, Prologue

The Shire is the region where all players spawn when they enter Middle-earth. It is the home country of the Hobbits, and contains many hobbit related structures. No evil spawns here except that which you bring yourself as well as the presence of some bandits.

The Shire offers by far the most food to loot to the player since almost every structure contains generous amounts of food, as it is normal for Hobbits. It is also full of rich farmland and many animals, which is part of what makes food so abundant.

The biome consists mostly of plains and is sparsely forested. It has lush grass and the occasional tree. Hobbits spawn all over the Shire either outside, in smials, at picnic benches, in taverns or in one of the various other structures.

Its LotR-biome ID is 3, and thus it was not the first biome to be added to the Mod though many believe this; the first biome to be added to the Mod was in fact river, while the first interesting biome to be added to the Mod was Rohan.

Upon entering Middle-earth you gain the achievement "First Steps". In the majority of normal cases this achievement is earned when entering the Shire, since most players will enter through the Ring Portal.


The Shire consists of the following sub-biomes, some of which are randomly generated within the main body of the Shire.

Shire Woodlands[]

The Shire woodlands are heavily forested. Pines dominate these woods and birch trees are more abundant than elsewhere in the Shire. No Hobbit buildings can be found here and wild boars rule the forest floors instead of their domesticated cousins, pigs. Heather also grows here. The forest soil partially consists of podzol and grassless dirt.

In Renewed, foxes spawn more commonly in the Shire Woodlands, alongside sweet berry bushes.

Glflegolas did a regional spotlight on the Shire Woodlands, which may be found here. If you plan on visiting, make sure to check that out.

Shire Moors[]

Shire Moors B

The Moors with a farm in the distance.

The Shire moors are a sub-biome in the north of the Shire, bordering the North-downs of Eriador and the lands around lake Evendim. The moors stretch along the entire north border of the Shire. It is a mountainous landscape, dotted with many stone boulders. The hills are home to many large old oak and chestnut trees. The hardy Hobbits that live here hold windmills, taverns, pastures and small farms. As in the marshes, bandits can ruin the average Hobbit's outdoor adventure here.

Shire Marshes[]

These are swampy regions. Three main marsh areas are distinguished: one south of Needlehole, one north-east of Frogmorton and one south-east of Deephollow. The ground here doesn't support many Hobbit structures; but they can be found here mostly in the upland variant, along with ruined houses. Surprisingly, the land also attracts Hobbits, who may risk the walk along the many quagmire ponds to reach the numerous interesting fishing spots. Apart from that, they are apparently also willing to risk a thrashing, as bandits dare to penetrate the peaceful realm of the Hobbits here.

White Downs[]

The white downs are low hills West of the Shire and feature chalk prominently near their surface. Shire structures spawn less commonly here.



  • Standard - Normal Shire biome.
  • Flowers - The fields and the undergrowth of tree clusters teem with flowers in this biome. Flowery vegetation from both vanilla Minecraft (poppies, dandelions) and the LotR Mod (thistles and wheat grass) is abundantly present here.
  • Forest - Forest-covered lands.
  • Light Forest - Lightly forested lands.
  • Hills - A hilly landscape with a higher average elevation.
  • Forested Hills - A landscape with forest-covered hills.
  • Aspen Forest - A forest dominated with aspen trees.
  • Birch Forest - A forest dominated with birch trees.
  • Plum Orchard - An orchard containing plum trees.

Next to the above, the Shire is also home to an exclusive orchard variant: the Shire orchard, where Hobbit orcharders systematically plant and cherish their apple, pear and cherry trees. The orcharders are exclusive to this biome. They will trade with players, selling fruit and purchasing axes and other farming equipment. Shire orchards are usually rather small compared to those of other biomes but make up for it with their abundance of fruit trees.

Shire Woodlands[]

  • Standard - Normal Shire woodlands forest.
  • Flowers - The fields and the undergrowth of tree clusters teem with flowers in this biome. Flowery vegetation from both vanilla Minecraft (poppies, dandelions) and the LotR Mod (thistles and wheat grass) is abundantly present here.
  • Hills - Woodlands with very high hills and low valleys.

Shire Moors[]

  • Standard - Normal Shire moors.
  • Forest - Forest-covered lands.
  • Light Forest - Lightly forested lands.

Shire Marshes[]

This sub-biome comes in two varieties:

  • Swamp lowlands - The standard swamp variant that is more or less flat. The land is a patchwork of fens, pools and slow-flowing brooks. Many ponds of quagmire make this a very treacherous landscape.
  • Swamp uplands - Elevated areas with fewer pools of water and many more trees.

White Downs[]

  • Flowers - a range of flowers can be found more commonly here.
  • Light forest - More tree-covered than the rest of the region.


The following structures spawn in the Shire biome alongside stone ruins made of Arnor bricks and stone bricks.

Note: Hobbit buildings will only spawn in the main Shire biome, not in its sub-biomes (with the exception of the moors, in which Hobbit windmills, taverns and farms can spawn; the marshes, where picnic benches rarely spawn; and the white downs, where they all spawn albeit less commonly).

Fixed Structures[]

Bag-Hill is the only fixed structure that spawns in the Shire. It can be found north of the "Hobbiton" waypoint. Read here for more information on fixed mountains and hills .


The following mobs spawn in the Shire:


The Shire is only conquerable by Hobbits, Gundabad, Angmar, and Isengard. This is in reference to the Battle of the Green Fields and the Scouring of the Shire. The conquest rate is 0.2.


The following plants only grow in the Shire:



A Guide To The Shire - Lord of the Rings Mod


  • As of Public Beta 28 the rows of trees in the orchards are divided by rows of fences.
The One Wiki to Rule Them All has an article on:

The Shire

The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:

The Shire

Biomes of the Lord of the Rings Mod (Sub-biomes in brackets)
List by Alphabet

AdornlandAnduin Hills (Gladden Fields, Vales of Anduin) • Angmar (Mountains) • Barrow-downs
Blue Mountains (Foothills) • Bree-land (Chetwood) • Brown LandsColdfells


DagorladDaleDead MarshesDor-en-Ernil (Hills) • Dorwinion (Emyn Winion)
Drúwaith IaurDunlandEast BightEmyn MuilEnedwaithEreborEregion
Eriador (Downs, Eryn Vorn, Minhiriath, Swanfleet) • Ettenmoors


Fangorn (Clearing) • Fangorn WastelandFar Harad Bushland (Hills) • Far Harad Cloud Forest
Far Harad Grasslands (Arid, Arid Hills, Corsair Coasts, Forest) • Far Harad Jungle (Edge, Lake, Mountains, Taurethrim Clearing) • Far Harad MangroveFar Harad Swampland
Far Harad VolcanoField of CelebrantForodwaith (Coastline, Mountains, Glacier)


Gondor (Andrast, Blackroot Vale, Lamedon (Hills), Lebennin (Mouths of Anduin), Lossarnach (Imloth Melui), Mouths of Entwash, Pelargir, Pelennor Fields, Pinnath Gelin, White Mountains (Foothills))
Grey Mountains (Foothills) • Gulf of Harad (Gulf Forest) • Half-desertsHarad MountainsHarnennor
HarondorIron HillsIthilien (Hills, Wasteland) • Kanuka Forest


LakeLast DesertLindon (Coastline, Woodlands, Tower Hills) • Lone-lands (Angle, Weather Hills)
LostladenLothlórien (Eaves) • MidgewaterMirkwood (Dol Guldur, Mountains)
Misty Mountains (Foothills) • Mordor (Eastern Desolation, Gorgoroth, Mordor Mountains, Morgulduin, Morgul Vale, Nan Ungol, Nurn (Marshes, Sea of Nurnen), Udûn) • Mountains of the Wind (Foothills)


Nan CurunírNindalfNorthern MirkwoodNorthlands (Northern Forests) • Old Forest
PerdorogwaithRed Mountains (Foothills) • Rhúdel (Eryn Garan, Eryn Rhúnaer, Hills, Steppe
Tol Rhúnaer) • Rhûn (Forest) • Rivendell (Hills) • RiverRohan (Woodlands, The Wold, Uruk Highlands)
Southron Coasts (Harad Desert Riverbank, Near Harad Oasis, Southron Forests)


Taur-i-ThorogrimThe Great Desert (Hills, Red Desert) • The Sea (Beach, Island, Meneltarma) • The Shire (Marshes, Moors, Woodlands, White Downs) • TolfalasTrollshaws
Umbar (Forest, Hills) • UtumnoWilderland (Northern, Long Marshes) Woodland Realm (Hills)

List by Region

Angmar (Mountains) • Barrow-downsBlue Mountains (Foothills) • Bree-land (Chetwood)
ColdfellsDunlandEnedwaithEregionEriador (Downs, Eryn Vorn, Minhiriath, Swanfleet)
EttenmoorsLindon (Coastline, Woodlands, Tower Hills) • Lone-lands (Angle, Weather Hills)
MidgewaterNan CurunírOld ForestRivendell (Hills)
The Shire (Marshes, Moors, Woodlands, White Downs) • Trollshaws


Anduin Hills (Gladden Fields, Vales of Anduin) • Brown LandsDagorladDale
Dead MarshesEast BightEmyn MuilEreborField of CelebrantFangorn (Clearing)
Fangorn WastelandGrey Mountains (Foothills) • Iron HillsLothlórien (Eaves)
Mirkwood (Dol Guldur, Mountains) • Misty Mountains (Foothills) • NindalfNorthern Mirkwood
Wilderland (Northern, Long Marshes) • Woodland Realm (Hills)

The South:

AdornlandDor-en-Ernil (Hills) • Drúwaith IaurGondor (Andrast, Blackroot Vale, Lamedon (Hills), Lebennin (Mouths of Anduin), Lossarnach (Imloth Melui), Mouths of Entwash, Pelargir, Pelennor Fields, Pinnath Gelin, White Mountains (Foothills)) • HarondorIthilien (Hills, Wasteland)
Mordor (Eastern Desolation, Gorgoroth, Mordor Mountains, Morgulduin, Morgul Vale, Nan Ungol, Nurn (Marshes, Sea of Nurnen), Udûn) • Rohan (Woodlands, The Wold, Uruk Highlands) • Tolfalas


Far Harad Bushland (Hills) • Far Harad Cloud ForestFar Harad Grasslands (Arid, Arid Hills, Corsair Coasts, Forest) • Far Harad Jungle (Edge, Lake, Mountains, Taurethrim Clearing)
Far Harad MangroveFar Harad SwamplandFar Harad VolcanoGulf of Harad (Gulf Forest)
Half-desertsHarad MountainsHarnennorKanuka ForestLostladenPerdorogwaith
Southron Coasts (Harad Desert Riverbank, Near Harad Oasis, Southron Forests)
Taur-i-ThorogrimThe Great Desert (Hills, Red Desert) • Umbar (Forest, Hills)


Dorwinion (Emyn Winion) • Last DesertMountains of the Wind (Foothills) • Red Mountains (Foothills) • Rhúdel (Eryn Garan, Eryn Rhúnaer, Hills, Steppe, Tol Rhúnaer) • Rhûn (Forest)


Forodwaith (Coastline, Mountains, Glacier) • Northlands (Northern Forests) • Utumno


The Sea (Beach, Island, Meneltarma)


