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FangornPlant silver150
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

You might also be searching for the normal Dwarven armour.

Royal indeed did Thorin look, clad in a coat of gold-plated rings, with a silver hafted axe in a belt crusted with scarlet stones.

The Hobbit, Not at Home


Trimmed Dwarven armour is a collection of special Dwarven armour sets. Similarly to trimmed bricks, the player is able to trim their armour with silver, gold or Mithril nuggets.

These armour sets provide the same protection and durability as normal Dwarven armour; the trim is purely cosmetic. They are used by rich Dwarves, namely the commanders and banner bearers to show off their wealth, with the commanders wearing golden armour, and the banner bearers silver.

There is currently no equivalent for Blue Dwarven armour (though there is in Renewed, see Trimmed Blue Dwarven Armour).

Like the normal Dwarven armour, equipping a full suit of trimmed armour will earn the player as well the achievement "A Tight Fit". This refers to it being too small for a human player. You can even use a mixture of differently trimmed and non-trimmed pieces.


The first officially released screenshot of Trimmed Dwarven Armour


Trimming has to be done on a Dwarven crafting table with undamaged armour pieces as shown below. Click the blue marked [Expand] field to display.

Trimmed Dwarven Armour Crafting Recipes
Recipe Protection Possible modifiers Durability
Dwarven crafting recipe
Dwarven Crafting
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
undamaged Dwarven armour piece
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
silver trimmed Dwarven armour piece
same as Dwarven Armour same as Dwarven Armour same as Dwarven Armour
Dwarven crafting recipe
Dwarven Crafting
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
undamaged Dwarven armour piece
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
gold trimmed Dwarven armour piece
same as Dwarven Armour same as Dwarven Armour same as Dwarven Armour
Dwarven crafting recipe
Dwarven Crafting
Mithril Nugget
Mithril Nugget
Mithril Nugget
Mithril Nugget
undamaged Dwarven armour piece
Mithril Nugget
Mithril Nugget
Mithril Nugget
Mithril Nugget
Mithril trimmed Dwarven armour piece
same as Dwarven Armour same as Dwarven Armour same as Dwarven Armour
Dwarf Shield  The Dwarves of Durin's Folk  Dwarf Banner

NPCs: Dwarf (Axe Thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CommanderMerchantMinerSmith
Items: Armour (Trimmed, Boar) • EquipmentMarriage Ring
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableDoorForge
Structures: HouseMine (Ruined) • SmithyTower (Ruined)


HelmetArnor ArnorianHelmetBlackroot Blackroot ValeHelmetBlueDwarven Blue Dwarven • (Gold trimmed blue dwarven helmet Trimmed) • HelmetDale DalishHelmetDolAmroth Dol Amroth
HelmetDorwinion Dorwinion (HelmetDorwinionElf Elven) • HelmetDwarven Dwarven (DwarvenArmourGold Trimmed) • HelmetElven GaladhrimHelmetGalvorn Galvorn
HelmetGondolin GondolinianHelmetGondor GondorianHelmetRangerIthilien Ithilien RangerHelmetLamedon LamedonHelmetHighElven LindonHelmetLossarnach Lossarnach
HelmetPelargir PelargirHelmetPinnathGelin Pinnath GelinHelmetRangerNorth RangerHelmetRivendell RivendellHelmetRohan Rohirric (HelmetRohanMarshal Marshal)
HelmetTauredain Taurethrim (HelmetTauredainGold Gold) • HelmetWoodElven Wood-elven (HelmetWoodElvenScout Scout)


HelmetAngmar AngmarHelmetBlackNúmenórean Black NúmenóreanHelmetBlackUruk Black UrukHelmetNearHarad Coast SouthronHelmetCorsair Corsair
HelmetDolGuldur Dol GuldurHelmetDunlending DunlendingHelmetGulfen GulfenHelmetGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukHelmetHalfTroll Half-trollHelmetHarnedor Harnennor
HelmetMordor MordorHelmetMoredain Morwaith (HelmetMoredainLion Chieftain) • HelmetMorgul MorgulHelmetNomad Nomad
HelmetRhûnic Rhûnic (HelmetGoldenRhûnic Golden) • HelmetUmbaric UmbaricHelmetUruk UrukHelmetUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

HelmetAncient AncientHelmetBone BoneHelmetBronze BronzeHelmetWarg FurHelmetGemsbok Gemsbok HideGoldIronLeatherHelmetMithril Mithril

Clothing Items:

HelmetHithlain Galadhrim CloakGambesonGondor GambesonHelmetHaradRobes Harad RobesKaftan KaftanLeatherHat Leather HatPartyHat Party Hat

Mount Armour:

BoarArmourDwarven BoarWood-elven Elk Armour ElkHorseArmorDolAmroth HorseHalf-troll Rhino Armour RhinoWargArmourUruk Warg
