The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

[...] and the drawing of the scimitars of the Southrons was like a glitter of stars [...]

The Return of the King, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Umbaric Equipment is the set of weaponry used by Umbarians. The statistics of Umbaric equipment are equivalent to that of the Gondorian equipment.

The weapons are crafted by just using the recipes for normal iron equipment using iron ingots except on a Umbaric crafting table. The poisoned Umbaric dagger is a dagger which poisons enemies after being hit and is crafted shapelessly on a vanilla crafting table with an Umbaric dagger and a bottle of poison.

The Umbarians only use daggers to defend themselves, whereas the Umbar soldiers can use any of these weapons.


Umbaric Dagger[]

A simple and weak melee weapon, used by Umbarian civilians to defend themselves. It can also be poisoned to increase its potency.

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
4.5 ( 4) 150% 75% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Umbaric crafting recipe
Umbaric Crafting
Iron Ingot
any stick
Umbaric Dagger
Shapeless crafting recipe
Shapeless Crafting
Umbaric Dagger
Bottle of Poison
Poisoned Umbaric Dagger

Umbaric Scimitar[]

An average speed, damage, and reach melee weapon, which is wielded by Umbar soldiers.

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 100% 100% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Umbaric crafting recipe
Umbaric Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
any stick
Umbaric Scimitar

Umbaric Spear[]

A melee weapon dealing less damage than the scimitar, but with greater reach. Can be thrown to deal a more powerful ranged attack. As with all spears, they are re-usable after throwing.

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
6.5 ( 6) 83% 150% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Umbaric crafting recipe
Umbaric Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Umbaric Spear

Umbaric Poleaxe[]

The Umbaric poleaxe is crafted using two sticks and three iron ingots on a Umbaric crafting table. A poleaxe has the equivalent reach of a spear, 150%, as well as a lower attack speed, 68%. Prior to Public Beta 31, this weapon was identical in all but appearance to the Southron Pike.

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 68% 150% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Umbaric crafting recipe
Umbaric Crafting
any stick
Iron Ingot
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Umbaric Poleaxe

Umbaric Mace[]

This weapon is the Umbaric equivalent of the warhammer. It's crafted using the same pattern as the Half-troll mace, but it uses iron ingots instead of cobblestone on a Umbaric crafting table. It deals 9.5 damage and has 400 durability.

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
10.5 ( 10 10) 65% 100% +1 enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Umbaric crafting recipe
Umbaric Crafting
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Umbaric Mace

Umbaric Pike[]

Umbaric pikes have a similar crafting recipe to the poleaxe, though the pike is crafted with two iron ingots instead of three. It has a longer reach than both the spear and poleaxe, at the cost of a slower attack speed.

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 50% 200% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane
Umbaric crafting recipe
Umbaric Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Umbaric Pike

Arrows and Bolts[]

It is also possible to craft poisoned arrows and bolts.

Orkish or Haradric crafting recipe
Orkish or Haradric Crafting
Bottle of Poison
Poisoned Arrow


Orkish or Haradric crafting recipe
Orkish or Haradric Crafting
Crossbow Bolt
Crossbow Bolt
Bottle of Poison
Crossbow Bolt
Crossbow Bolt
Poisoned Crossbow Bolt

AxeElven Equipment Sets in Middle-earth PickaxeDolGuldur

SwordArnorian ArnorianBattleaxeBlueDwarven Blue DwarvenPikeDale DalishSwordDolAmroth Dol AmrothSpearBladorthin Dorwinion ElvenMattockDwarven Dwarven
LongspearElven GaladhrimHammerGondor GondorianSwordHighElven LindonBattleaxeLossarnach LossarnachAxeMallorn Mallorn
TridentPelargir PelargirSwordRivendell RivendellLanceRohan RohirricHammerTauredain TaurethrimPolearmWoodElven Wood-elven

DaggerAngmar AngmarMaceBlackNumenorean Black NúmenóreanBattleaxeBlackUruk Black UrukCorsair Harpoon CorsairBattleaxeDolGuldur Dol Guldur
DunlendingClub DunlendingGulfen Khopesh GulfenHammerGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukBattleaxeHalfTroll Half-trollHaradric Pike Haradric
ScimitarOrc MordorMorwaith Spear MorwaithRhûnic Sword RhûnicScimitarNearHarad UmbaricScimitarUrukBerserker UrukBattleaxeUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

Ancient Sword AncientSwordBronze Bronze • Gold • Iron • HalberdMithril Mithril

Harad Contest Shield  The Southrons of Near Harad  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Slave
Traders: Merchant
Items: Black Númenórean ArmourBowEquipmentRobes
Blocks: BasketBrickChestCrafting Table
Structures: Ancient FortressObeliskPyramid

Umbar Shield  The Corsairs of Umbar  Umbar Banner

NPCs: Umbarians (Archer, Banner Bearer, Corsair, Soldier) • Gondorian Renegade
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersCaptain (Umbar) • FarmerSlaver
Items: Armour (Umbaric, Horse) • Equipment (Umbaric)
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: CampHideoutSettlement

Near Harad Shield  The Southrons of the Coasts  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Southrons (Archer, Banner Bearer, Champion, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour (Horse, Champion) • Equipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Harnedor Shield  The Harnedhrim of Harnennor  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Harnedhrim (Archer, Banner Bearer, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: CampSettlementWatchtower

HelmetNomad  The Nomads of the Great Desert  Southron Nomads Banner

NPCs: Nomads (Archer, Banner Bearer, Guard)
Traders: Bazaar TradersChieftainMerchant
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Gulfing Shield  The Gulfings of Khopazul  Gulf of Harad Banner

NPCs: Gulfing (Archer, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement
