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There were four goblin-soldiers of greater stature, swarthy, slant-eyed, with thick legs and large hands. They were armed with short broad-bladed swords, not with the curved scimitars usual with Orcs: and they had bows of yew, in length and shape like the bows of Men. Upon their shields they bore a strange device: a small white hand in the centre of a black field; on the front of their iron helms was set an S-rune, wrought of some white metal.

–The Two Towers, The Departure of Boromir

Uruks also known as Uruk-Hai are large, powerful NPCs which form the major part of the armies of Isengard. They resemble Orcs, but are larger, stronger, faster, and have deeper voices, as well as more health. They are also equipped with more powerful armour and weapons than average Orcs.

The Uruk-hai of Isengard were bred by Saruman late in the Third Age, following Sauron's previous success in Uruk-breeding. In the War of the Ring, the Uruks made up a large part of Saruman's Army, together with the Dunlendings, man-enemies of Rohan. Though it is often theorized that Uruks were the result of breeding Orcs and Men, it appears that they are most likely a large breed of Orc. However, there were certainly other creatures in Saruman's armies, and under his command in the Shire, that appear to have been hybrids. "Half-orcs" were as tall as Men and are never described simply as Orcs, as the Uruks frequently are. Saruman's army of Uruks, hillmen, and Half-Orcs fought against King Théoden of Rohan and his people at Helm's Deep.

Uruks carry Uruk weapons and armour of Uruk Steel. Uruk Crossbowers, the strongest ranged units in the mod, are a variant of Uruk that spawn with Uruk Crossbows. There are also Uruk Sappers, destructive Uruks armed with Orc Bombs, and Uruk Berserkers, the biggest and strongest Uruks in the game (though they have weak fur armor as of recent updates besides a berserker helmet). Some Uruks spawn without helmets, unlike Gundabad Uruks and Black Uruks, which always wear them. Uruks can be commanded by the player by hiring them from an Uruk Chieftain, for the right price and with enough alignment.

Killing an Uruk gives the achievement "Uruk Slayer." Killing an Uruk within a camp gives the achievement "Camp Raider."


Uruks spawn commonly in Nan Curunír, Fangorn Wasteland, and the Uruk Highlands, both day and night. They also appear in Rohan and Adornland, but only at night, and in Isengard Invasions. They cannot ride Wargs due to their size and weight. They can also spawn in Orc Dungeons in the Misty Mountains, guarding chests of Orcish loot.


The Uruks have many weapons, including:


Uruks will randomly wander around and attack good-aligned NPCs, and they especially hate the Rohirrim. When they do attack, they are very strong and do a lot of damage. They have stronger armour and greater health than Orcs as well.

Uruks have been bred specifically by Saruman to resist the sun. Therefore, unlike most Orcs, they are not affected by slowness or weakness debuffs during the day. This greatly increases their effectiveness in battle.

Like all Isengard units, Uruks are neutral with Orcs of other evil factions, such as Mordor. While they don't look for fights, it's easy for them to happen nonetheless if they attack an enemy faction alongside another Orcish faction and hit each other by accident. This can lead to chaotic 3-way fighting especially if, for example, Mordor and Isengard both invade Rohan in the same location.

Idle Uruks will occasionally make vocal sounds, drink Orc draught and eat maggoty bread.

Uruks will sometimes, for no apparent reason, chase and kill rabbits. This can happen with all Orcs, and is intentional, and not a bug.

Uruks may also spawn in groups near Uruk camps.

They are often very rude in their speech to everyone, even those allied with them, much like their other Orc-brethren.


Uruks drop Orc bones, Uruk steel ingots, Orc draughts, and rotten flesh. They also may rarely drop a piece of their equipped armour or weapons and may drop a pouch that may contain all their armour, weapons (based on the class), and rotten flesh.

Drop Rarity Quantity Image
Rotten Flesh Common 1-2 Rotten Flesh
Orc Bone Common 1 OrcBone
Orc Draught Uncommon 1 Orc Draught
Maggoty Bread Uncommon 1-2 MaggotyBreadItem
Uruk Steel Ingot Uncommon 1 UrukSteel
Uruk Dagger Rare 1 DaggerUruk
Poisoned Uruk Dagger Rare 1 DaggerPoisonUruk
Uruk Cleaver Rare 1 ScimitarUruk
Uruk Battleaxe Rare 1 BattleaxeUruk
Uruk Warhammer Rare 1 HammerUruk
Uruk Pike Rare 1 PikeUruk
Uruk Spear Rare 1 SpearUruk
Uruk Helmet Rare 1 HelmetUruk
Uruk Chestplate Rare 1 BodyUruk
Uruk Leggings Rare 1 LegsUruk
Uruk Boots Rare 1 BootsUruk


You can hire the Uruk-hai of the White Hand from an Uruk Chieftain who has a chance to spawn in camps found in Uruk Highlands or Nan Curunír. All you need is 80 to 20 silver coins and unless +150 Alignment with Isengard. The cost varies as your standing and pledge among Saruman grow up.

Advantages Disadvantages
Low alignment and cost for their real value If they have any disadvantage, it is that they have no allies (and they are friendly with only two factions). Thus it is easy for them to get overrun in large-scale battles.
High health Unlike the other types of Uruks, these sometimes spawn without helmets, which causes them to lose some defense.
Excellent equipment and armor
No pledge asked, which makes them very accessible compared to other Uruk-hai of the mod.
Can chop down Rohirrim at every breakfast and can best the elves, except when faced with a well balanced army of elven melee (Bladorthin Warriors) and elven archers in a equal army battle
Not weakened by daylight
Can randomly drink Orc Draught which gives them a strength and speed boost


Note that as Uruks do not skirmish they do not use the 'skirmish' lines.


  • Filthy maggot! Oh, it's you, Person...
  • I seek Man-flesh!
  • Where is the Man-flesh?
  • What do you want?
  • You still don't look like a Goblin-Man, Person!
  • I've had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days!
  • Maggoty bread again? Give me some Man-flesh!
  • I can't wait to get my teeth into some Man-flesh!
  • At your service, Person!
  • Soon, Person! Soon we will be at war with the filthy sons of Men!
  • What are you after?
  • The air is foul here.
  • We serve a common master, Person.
  • We shall break their bones and feast on their flesh!
  • Death to the kingdoms of Men! Death to the filthy Elves!
  • We shall swarm into the lands of the free peoples like a plague! Leave nothing alive!
  • What orders from our lord, Person?
  • These rags stink!
  • The world of Men shall be broken and destroyed.
  • Ruin! Ruin to the free peoples!
  • Something smells disgusting here. It's you, Person! Go away!


  • I smell Man-flesh!
  • I've had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days!
  • What are you after, maggot?
  • Follow your orders, scum!
  • You don't look like a Goblin-Man!
  • Do you want something?
  • Don't just stand there! Do something!
  • I don't trust you, maggot!
  • Whom do you serve?
  • Move along, scum!
  • Are you trying to start a fight?
  • You stink!


  • Have you not been driven out by our armies yet, scum?
  • I'll bleed you like a stuck pig!
  • Enjoy your last breath, scum!
  • You're nice and fresh!
  • Kill the scum!
  • Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
  • You stink of fear!
  • Die, Man-scum!
  • Your blood smells fresh!
  • I'll skewer you like a piece of meat!
  • You'd better start running, maggot!
  • Come any closer and I'll stick you like a fresh cut of meat!
  • We dine on Man-flesh tonight!


  • Where's the nearest Man-flesh? I'm starving here!
  • What are your orders, my lord?
  • You may be my commander, Person, but you're still a filthy maggot!
  • I smell Man-flesh!
  • Lead us to war, Person!
  • The air is ripe with the stink of fear!
  • I've had nothing to eat but maggoty bread for three stinking days!
  • The free peoples of the earth shall fall before our might!
  • Death! Death to all who oppose us!


  • You trying to start a skirmish?
  • Trying to start a skirmish?
  • Nobody touches me, you filthy maggot!
  • I'll skewer you like a piece of meat!
  • You trying to start something?
  • I'll have your guts for garters, scum!
  • What are you looking at me like that for, scum?
  • I'll have your head on a spike, maggot!
  • I'll bleed you like a stuck pig!
  • Looks like it's time for a skirmish!
  • Nobody skirmishes with me and gets away with it!
  • You looking for a skirmish, filthy maggot?
  • Let's see you look at me like that with my blade stuck through you!
  • You asking for a skirmish?
  • Who are you calling a filthy maggot?
  • You after a scuffle, scum?
  • Want a fight, you filthy piece of meat?
  • I'll make dinner out of you, maggot!
  • You think you can beat me, filth?
  • You shall pay for that, you filthy worm!
  • I'll squish you like the filthy little worm you are!
  • You'll be dinner once I'm done with you, maggot!
The One Wiki to Rule Them All has an article on:


The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:


Uruk Hai Shield  The Battalions of Isengard  Uruk Banner

NPCs: Uruk (Banner Bearer, Berserker, Crossbower, Sapper)
Snaga (Archer) • Warg (Bombardier)
Traders: ChieftainTrader
Items: Armour (Warg) • ChainEquipmentSkull Staff
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch
Structures: CampDungeonWarg Pit
