The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

What fruit this day has brought! Three recruits.

Most seem to think that my announcement is 'childish' which is a understandable conclusion. However, their growing enmity to the Mod Devs for their role in maintaining the Great Silene is strong enough to ally with me.

The Official Server seems to be down, sadly. Us Gorthangeaions need a base of operations.

The only way we can be taken seriously on the Discord or Official Server if we act as a united phalanx, all at once, cutting through the trolls and Loyalists with the searing blade of justice, wielded by many doughty arms!

Still, we must gather more. Contributions to the Wiki are essential, we need to become popular. No page vandiazazions, no trolling, no direct insults. We just type and act with the eloquence that MLKJ did, despite the odds against us.

I have challenged Mevans to single combat. I wonder if he will respond.
