The White Mountains or Ered Nimrais is a range of mountains, composed of the white-coloured Gondor Rock. This mountain chain stretches between the Enedwaith and Rohan to the north, and Gondor to the south.
The mountains are guarded by beacon towers that are spread throughout the mountains. Pairs of Gondor tower guards are on their watch in these towers. Normal Gondor soldiers do not patrol the White Mountains. No snow is found here, even though in the lore the mountains were famed for their snow-capped peaks.
Upon entering this biome, one gains the achievement "Ered Nimrais".
Foothills of the lofty White Mountains. The White Mountains Foothills generate around the White Mountains, and contain more trees. More Mordor Orcs seem to spawn here than in Gondor as well. The landscape resembles the Ithilien hills sub-biome, except the grass is slightly darker.
Standard White Mountains and White Mountains Foothills.
Forest - Forest covered lower slopes and valleys.
Light Forest - Lightly forested lower slopes and valleys.
Birch Forest - A forest dominated with Birch trees.
Beech Forest - A forest dominated with Beech trees.
Larch Forest - A forest dominated with Larch trees.
Like with many major mountain ranges, gemstones are twice as common underground in the White Mountains as compared to most biomes, making mining here incredibly profitable. They are slightly less common in the foothills, though they are nonetheless more common there.
In addition, Gondor Rock is quite abundant here, making up most of the biome's surface and also appearing in patches underground.
The White Mountains biome is mostly composed of stone and Gondor rock, but a certain elevation, there are lush meadows, deep vales, and light forests with trees and grass. For a long time, the trees here were all deciduous broadleaf trees, consisting of mostly oak, but birch and beech trees grew as well. As of the latest version of the mod, however, this is no longer the case, and many more species of trees grow, including spruce, fir, larch, pine, and the occasional fruit tree, in addition to the broadleaved trees mentioned earlier. Less grass and flowers than normal grow here.
Stunted trees are able to grow at higher altitudes, albeit far more uncommonly than ones in the forested valleys.
Forests, with peaks in the background.
A rather tall birch tree growing high (y=170) in the mountains.