The Yellow iris is a unique two-block high flower found exclusively in the Gladden Fields, the very swamp wherein Isildur was slain. They can be found commonly all over the swampland, regardless of sub-biome.
Like any flower, these can be grown with a random chance of appearance by using bonemeal on the soil of Gladden Fields. Like other double-high flowers, it's also possible to use bonemeal on the plant itself to get a drop.
This flower can be used in a vanilla crafting table or the player's inventory to create two pieces of yellow dye, alike to other mod flowers.
The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:
Asphodel •
Athelas •
Black Iris •
Bluebell •
Chrysanthemum Elfsong •
Fangorn's Beard •
Huorn Leaf •
Moonflower |
Anduin Hills •
Gladden Fields •
Vales of Anduin